New games like diablo 3 2019
New games like diablo 3 2019

new games like diablo 3 2019

Speculation and estimates point to a 2023 release date for Diablo 4, but at this point, nothing is certain. A lot of them are even competitive enough to challenge the big game itself. Grim Dawn With critics hailing it as the spiritual successor to Diablo 2 you’ve been waiting for, you know you’re onto something good with Grim Dawn. Games like Diablo 3, after all, have proven to be refinements in the formula. Here are more games to play while you wait - who knows, you might even like them better than Diablo. News about Diablo 4 has gotten a bit scarce, with still no specific release month or day on the horizon, which means these alternatives are in demand. Updated October 28, 2022, by Sid Natividad: It turns out a lot more games like Diablo 3 just keep on coming. So, to entertain you for the time being while you wait for Diablo 4 to be released, here are 20 games that you ought to try if you like Diablo 3 or the Diablo series in general.

new games like diablo 3 2019

However, you don't have to be, as there are actually great alternatives out there - some of which have even captured the spirit of Diablo much better. That means you're stuck with Diablo 3 for the time being. 10 Games Like Diablo Checkout using your account Dont have an account The Torchlight Series Borderlands 3 Darksiders Grim Dawn Path of Exile Titan.

New games like diablo 3 2019